As a soldier in Hashem’s Army, Tzivos Hashem, we are charged with a mission to light up the world, one night at a time—one mitzvah at a time.
Eight nights of Chanukah means eight nights of lighting Menorah, playing dreidel, and spreading light. It’s our Mitzvot that will transform darkness into light!
How it works:

Ckids Tzivos Hashem rally - May 2024/Iyar 5784

Ckids Tzivos Hashem rally - May 2024/Iyar 5784

Ckids Tzivos Hashem rally - April 2024/Nissan 5784

CKids Tzivos Hashem Rally - March 2024/Adar 2 5784

Congratulations to all our winners!

Exactly forty years ago, in 1980, the Lubavitcher Rebbe formalized this army for Jewish boys and girls calling it Tzivos Hashem - G-d’s Army.
The vision?
To enroll every child from infancy and mobilize them to strive to be the best they can be and share that message with others. In this army, the troops are enlisted to bring goodness into the world! Whether it's by helping others or doing Mitzvot that connect them to their heritage, they are adding light to our world every single day.
The battle is the internal struggle we each experience to choose right over wrong, good over bad, truth over falsehood. Victory is reached by empowering our Neshama (holy G-dly soul) with the tools it needs to overcome the negative elements around.
By registering your children into Tzivos Hashem, you are giving them the opportunity to unite with tens of thousands of other Jewish children from across the globe, as collectively they tip the scales in the direction of goodness and kindness.